FEM MAGAZINE | 24 April 2017


Molly Soda was interviewed by Rebecca Vorich for Fem Magazine with regards to her exhibition ‘thanks for the add’ and her recently published book ‘Pics or it didn’t happen: Images banned from Instagram’. Soda’s work “is putting the utopian internet to rest and illumination the subtle workings of the corporate influence”, writes Vorich. Read the full interview here.

THE TANGENTIAL | 14 April 2017


Molly Soda and Arvida Byström’s book Pics or it didn’t happen is reviewed by Jay Gabler for the Tangential. “Pics or It Didn’t Happen complicates the idea of Instagram — or any other online social network — as a “community”, writes Gabler. Read the full article here .

PAPER MAGAZINE | 15 March 2017


Molly Soda and Arvida Byström were interviewed by Paper magazine about their new book ‘Pics or It Didn’t Happen: Images Banned From Instagram‘. Annie Felix writes “Pics or It Didn’t Happen is a political and historical statement in direct disobedience of corporation-dictated rules… It’s an addition to your coffee table that actually explores the power of the image in our collective memory, and how deleting an image is akin to deleting a piece of history – if there aren’t any pictures, it didn’t happen.” Read the full article here.

ARTSY | 13 March 2017


Artsy published an article about the book ‘Pics or It Didn’t Happen: Images Banned From Instagramby Arvida Byström and Molly Soda, featuring photographs that have been banned from Instagram.  “The book engages in a dialogue around the policies found across social media, which are designed to keep users safe, though have unintentionally censored artistic freedoms.” writes Molly Gottschalk. Read the full article here.